Tell people it's a pitbull. Inform family and close friends that you are bringing home a pitbull puppy in advance - don't 'warn' them about it, but make sure they are aware of what breed it is and understand that the myths about pitbulls being monsters are just that: myths. Depending on the attitude of neighbours one may or may not decide to tell them in advance - as long as the dog doesn't get into their garden they may not even notice.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
How to Take Care of a Pitbull Puppy
Tell people it's a pitbull. Inform family and close friends that you are bringing home a pitbull puppy in advance - don't 'warn' them about it, but make sure they are aware of what breed it is and understand that the myths about pitbulls being monsters are just that: myths. Depending on the attitude of neighbours one may or may not decide to tell them in advance - as long as the dog doesn't get into their garden they may not even notice.
Tell people it's a pitbull. Inform family and close friends that you are bringing home a pitbull puppy in advance - don't 'warn' them about it, but make sure they are aware of what breed it is and understand that the myths about pitbulls being monsters are just that: myths. Depending on the attitude of neighbours one may or may not decide to tell them in advance - as long as the dog doesn't get into their garden they may not even notice.
Tell people it's a pitbull. Inform family and close friends that you are bringing home a pitbull puppy in advance - don't 'warn' them about it, but make sure they are aware of what breed it is and understand that the myths about pitbulls being monsters are just that: myths. Depending on the attitude of neighbours one may or may not decide to tell them in advance - as long as the dog doesn't get into their garden they may not even notice.
The American bulldog is a stocky, well built, strong-looking dog , a large head, and a muscular build. Its coat is short and generally smooth. The breed is a light to moderate shedder; however, they should be brushed on regular basis. Colors, while historically predominantly white with patches of red or brindle, have grown in recent years to include many color patterns including black, red, brown, fawn, and all shades of brindle. The color conformation is quite varied, but solid black or any degree of merle is considered a cosmetic fault, and a blue color is a disqualification by the NKC Breed Standard. Black pigmentation on the nose and eye rims is preferred, with only some pink allowed. Eye color is usually brown, but heterochromia also occurs, although considered a cosmetic fault. American Bulldogs can be droolers; this varies and is more prevalent in the Bully type, which is generally a larger, heavier dog with a shorter muzzle. Standard or Performance types are generally more athletic with longer muzzles and a more square head. It is important to note that many modern American Bulldogs are a combination of the two types usually termed "hybrid." In general, American Bulldogs weigh between 27 to 54 kg (60 to 120 lb) and are 52 to 70 cm (20 to 28 in) at the withers, but have been known to greatly exceed these dimensions, especially in the "out of standard," nonworking stock.
An American bulldog with the classic white and brindle coat. Note the large head and powerful jaws.

Scott type American Bulldog. Typical mandibular prognathism is evident.
American Bulldogs are typically confident, social, and active dogs that are at ease with their families. It is not uncommon for an American Bulldog to require a high level of attention due to their highly emotional personality. They bond strongly with their owners. They are capable of jumping in excess of seven feet vertical due to the dense muscle build of the breed.Young American Bulldogs may be slightly aloof with strangers, but as they mature the breed's normal confidence should assert itself. This breed tolerates children and can do very well with them, provided they are socialized early and understand their limits. The more exposure to good training practices, other dogs, and people, the more likely the success at being controlled both inside and outside of their environment. Early training and socialization both in the home and outside of the home is essential for this breed. One way to help accomplish this goal can be done in the simplest of ways: walking them regularly at local parks. While the goal of the breed was originally to produce a working farm utility dog that could catch and hold wild boar and cattle, kill vermin, and guard an owner's property, when properly trained, exercised and socialized, this breed can become a great family pet.
[edit]History in Spain and England
Even the slight modifications the bulldog underwent in Spain and England up to the Industrial Revolution (before 1835), were absent in the working strains. Most settlers of the American South came from the West Midlands of England and emigrated as a result of the Civil War between Royalists and Parliamentarians, well before the Industrial Revolution).
[edit]History in the United States
The original bulldog was preserved by working class immigrants who brought their working dogs with them to the American South. Small farmers and ranchers used this all-around working dog for many tasks including farm guardians, stock dogs and catch dog. These dogs were not an actual breed as considered by today's standards but were a generic bulldog type. There were no recorded pedigrees or records and breeding decisions were dependent on the best working farm dogs despite breed or background. Several separate strains of the "bulldog" type dogs were kept by ranchers as utilitarian working dogs.
Perhaps the most important role of the bulldog and the reason for its survival, and in fact why it thrived throughout the South, was because of the presence of feral pigs, introduced to the New World and without predators. The bulldogs were the settlers' only means of sufficiently dealing with the vermin. By World War II, the breed was near extinction until John D. Johnson and his father scoured the backroads of the South looking for the best specimens to revive the breed. During this time a young Alan Scott grew an interest in Mr. Johnson's dogs and began to work with him on the revitalization process. At some point, Alan Scott began infusing non-Johnson catch bulldogs from working southern farms with John D. Johnson's line creating the now Standard American Bulldog. At another point, Mr. Johnson began crossing his line with an atavistic English bulldog from the North that had maintained its genetic athletic vigor.
[edit]Recent history
American bulldogs are now safe from extinction and are enjoying a healthy increase in popularity, either as a working/protector dog or as a family pet. All over the world, they are used variously as "hog dogs" (catching escaped pigs or hunting razorbacks), as cattle drovers and as working or sport K-9s. American Bulldogs also successfully compete in several dog sports such as dog obedience, Schutzhund, French Ring, Mondio Ring, Iron Dog competition and weight pulling. They are also exhibited in conformation shows in the UKC, NKC, ABA, ABRA and the SACBR (South Africa).
American Bulldogs generally live from 10–16 years, and tend to be strong, physically active, and often healthy. Some health problems in American bulldogs are often found within certain genetic lines, and are not common to the entire breed, while others, such as neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL),[1] Ichthyosis, disorders of the kidney and thyroid, ACL tears, hip dysplasia, cherry eye, elbow dysplasia, entropion, ectropion, and bone cancer are more common to the general population of American Bulldogs. There are DNA tests available to help breeders screen breeding animals for NCL (neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis)[1] and Ichthyosis. It is highly recommended to spend time to research your breeder information, including your American Bulldog's family history. A Penn Hip (Pennsylvania Hip Improvement project) or OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) screening is recommended for all potential breeding animals. Some breeds of American Bulldog are prone to allergies. Symptoms like a runny nose or a rash are examples of signs of allergies. Some vets recommend dog owners to give 25mg of Benadryl per day; in most cases it helps.
[edit]Unrecognized Varieties
There are numerous varieties of bulldog that are not recognized by any organizations other than their own. Examples of such animals include the Catahoula Bulldog and the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. The Alapaha, for example, was started as an attempt to recreate a variety of southern plantation dog.
[edit]American Bulldogs in popular culture
- Spike and Tyke from the Tom and Jerry franchise.
- Chance from the feature film, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. Suregrips Rattler (Chance) was only in the first Homeward Bound movie.
- The Deftones' video "Bloody Cape" featured a model walking an American Bulldog down the street. The American Bulldog was actually played by two separate dogs from the Norcal's American Bulldog Kennel. The names of the dogs were Big Trouble and Tory Hesta.
- In the 2001 film Kevin of the North one of Kevin Manley's sled dogs is an American Bulldog named Snowflake.
- Cheaper by the Dozen
- Nedd ("Nasty Evil Dead Dog") in The Number 23
- In "Return to Me" 2000 "Mel", David Duchovny’s character’s dog, was played by an American Bulldog named Peetey.
- In "Tucker and Dale vs Evil" 2010, "Jangers", Tyler Labine's character’s dog, starred an American Bulldog named Weezer.
[edit]See also

You are considering adopting a dog, and one breed you are considering is a Pit Bull Terrier, or one of several breeds that are closely related to this breed. It is important that before you take any steps towards becoming an owner that you thoroughly research the breed so that you understand the challenges of owning this loyal, yet controversial breed.
99% of issues that arise with pit bulls have to do with owners who don't take the proper time/training & socialization this breed needs. The truth is that this breed has many good traits. A super-dog, if you will. And although the media focuses on the negative aspects, in reality they can be awesome pets for the smart owner. Here are six reasons why:
Pitbulls are wiggly, cuddly, affectionate dogs. If you don’t like dog kisses then consider another breed, because most pitbulls love licking. The same goes if you have children and you don’t want them to be a regular target for face washes. Pitbulls are not aloof – they like to remind you regularly of how they feel about you, and in general this means a lot of tail wagging and kissing.
Yes, pit bulls require a reasonable amount of attention. They do not, however, need a lot of care. They have short coats and are normal shedders, and only need to be brushed semi-regularly. They don't tend toward genetic disorders like some other breeds, although they should be inspected at puppyhood for signs of hip dysplasia, but this is a good idea for most medium to large breeds anyway. Most pit bulls do not get larger than 50 to 60 pounds, although there are some larger sub-breeds.
And as long as you exercise the dog regularly, a pitbull can be very comfortable in a small dwelling.
Pitbulls love people. Although this breed frequently gets a bad rap in the media, if you have ever met a pitbull that was raised by a loving, conscientious family then you will understand how much they like to be with people. The downside of this personality trait is that they can get overexcited when they meet new people, which is something that needs to be addressed through training and positive reinforcement.
Your pit bull will be you and your family’s best friend from the day you take them home to the day they pass away. While they will be naturally protective of their family and their property, because pitbulls are so people-orientated they do not make good guard dogs. Unless you just want them to smother intruders with hugs and kisses.
A pitbull will always do its best to make you happy, as long as you are clear about what you expect from them. Many people will mention the fact that this breed is notoriously stubborn, but once they realize that you are the boss, they will work hard to ensure that you are happy with them.
This breed can be challenging, and is not recommended for first time dog owners as you need to be comfortable and confident that you can handle the breed, otherwise they will pick upon the fact that you are less than sure of yourself.
Sometimes presented as a negative trait, the fact that pitbulls have a high pain tolerance makes them exceptional family dogs. They easily (and happily) put up with the rough play of children without reacting. At the same time, pitbull owners may have to invest in a freedom harness, as the shoulder and neck strength of the pitbull means that sometimes an average collar will not do.
It is important that when considering a pitbull as a pet that you carefully screen all puppies and adult dogs to ensure that they respond positively. Dogs of any breed that show fearfulness or aggression towards people or other dogs should be avoided, particularly as a family pet, unless you are willing to put in a lot of extra time and money into behavioral training.
To be a successful and responsible pitbull owner you need to at all times have your pet under control. Dogs should never be left unsupervised with other dogs or children, and should never be allowed to roam off leash except in controlled dog-friendly spaces. Remember that as a pitbull owner you are charged with showing the positive side of this breed, so make sure that you always have a friendly and well behaved pet.
The American Pit Bull Terrier has a strong desire to please. The APBT has evoked more human emotional, rational, and irrational response than any other breed that exists today. By no means are these dogs people-haters or people-eaters. Their natural aggressive tendencies are toward other dogs and animals, not people.
However if they are properly socialized with a firm, but calm, confident, consistent pack leader, they will not even be aggressive with them. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet, who is good with children and adults. Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. Highly protective of his owners and the owner's property, it will fight an enemy to the death. It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay.
The American Pit Bull Terrier can be willful with meek owners and needs a firm hand. They are generally okay with other pets if they are raised with them from puppy hood. They are very friendly, but not recommended for most people, because most people do not understand how to properly raise and treat a dog. Problems arise when one does not understands dog psychology, seeing the dog as having human emotions, and ends up with a dog who thinks he is the boss of the house. For a smaller, not as powerful dog, people can sometimes get away with this, however, for a powerful breed, one really needs to understand and follow this concept of keeping a dog.
An excellent guide to learning how to properly treat a dog is the Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan (recommended to all dog owners regardless of the breed they own). Excellent with children in the family, they have a high pain tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play. As with any breed, they should not be left alone with unfamiliar children. Originally used as fighting dogs, the powerful American Pit Bull may go for the throat of strange dogs. A minimum of training , along with the proper amount of exercise and a firm pack leader, will produce a tranquil, obedient dog. Socialize very thoroughly when young to combat aggressive tendencies and be sure to keep the dog under control when other dogs are present. Teach this dog respect for humans by not allowing it to jump up and not allowing it to enter doorways first. The humans must make the dog heel beside or behind them when walking. It has given outstanding results as a guardian of property, but is at the same time esteemed as a companion dog.
The objective in training this dog is to achieve a pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in their pack. When we humans live with dogs, we become their pack. The entire pack cooperates under a single leader. Lines are clearly defined and rules are set. You and all other humans MUST be higher up in the order than the dog. That is the only way your relationship can be a success. When properly trained and socialized, this is a very good dog and a great family companion. Unfortunately, some choose to promote the fighting instinct in the breed, giving it a bad name.
Baby, 10-Year-Old Pit Bull, Saves Family And Its Dogs From Fire (VIDEO)
A 10-year-old pit bull named Baby rescued a family and its dogs not once, but twice, during a house fire.
On Tuesday, Rhonda Westenberger and her sister, Evelyn, were sleeping when their Wellston, Okla., home of 17 years began filling with smoke and flames, KOCO reports.
Immediately, their pit bull, Baby, began barking and pounced on them until they woke up.
"There were flames shooting down the hallway," Westenberger told KOCO in the video above. "If Baby hadn't woken Evelyn up, I don't think either one of us would have come out of it."
The sisters managed to run out, but five dogs were stuck inside the house. Baby rushed back inside and rescued them.
"There was one hiding underneath the bed," family member Charles Land told KOCO. "Baby actually went in there grabbed it by the neck and drug it outside."
Despite losing everything, the family says the pit bull is keeping them hopeful.
"It brings my spirit up a lot to see the dogs," said Westenberger. "I'm so proud of her. She is my hero. She's the hero for all of us."
Saturday, March 9, 2013
The Truth about Pit Bulls
Pit bulls can be great family pets.Most Pit Bulls are excellent with children. They were bred to have a high tolerance for pain, so they can endure the antics of kids. They also have the capacity to play for hours.
Pit Bulls do not tend to be aggressive towards people.
Pit Bulls were originally bred to fight dogs, so you should be aware that dog aggression is common. But, human aggression is not common in Pit Bulls. In most cases of Pit Bulls attacking humans, the dog has either been trained to be aggressive towards people, was abused, or was deprived of socialization towards people as a puppy.
Pit Bulls do not have locking jaws.Pit Bulls are canines and have the same jaw structure as other dogs. They do not have locking jaws, special enzymes or other structure that allows them to lock their jaws.
Pit bulls are not good guard dogs.
A characteristic of Pit Bulls is their love of people. Unlike other breeds, they were not originally bred to protect homes or property. They may alert you to intruders, but as soon as the intruder smiles at them, most Pit Bulls think they have made a new best friend.

Spay/Neuter Resources: Project Pit Bull
Animal Friends offers Project Pit Bull, which offers spays and neuters for pit bulls for just $20 when the surgery is completed through one of our on-site clinics.
Project Pit Bull was created to address the flood of pit bulls in Pittsburgh’s animal shelters, and in response to the fact that pit bulls are bred in disproportionate numbers for dogfighting purposes. Pit Bull litters can be very large, often producing 8-12 puppies or more. For every new puppy born, another waits—or worse—in a shelter.
Animal Friends can help Pit Bull owners who want to be responsible with the breed. Call 1.800.SPAY.PGH
to learn more, or write

Pit Bulls and Pet-Assisted Therapy
Haley is 3 years old. She visits Vincentian Homes Assisted Living and volunteers as part of the monthly Cancer Caring Center program for kids and families that are coping with cancer. Haley just soaks up all the hugs she receives and pays them back with happy dog kisses.
Cayenne is 2 years old and started her career as a therapy dog at the SW Vets Center. She gets her ears rubbed and gives kisses in return. Cayenne also began making visits to a women’s shelter, where the kids climb all over her, pet her and hug her. During one visit, a child insisted on playing “dress up” with her, trying to put skirts and hats on her. Cayenne soaked up the attention!
Their guardian, Erica, reports that she is still amazed when so many people are surprised to find out that her dogs are Pit Bulls. Of course they're friendly and loving! Haley and Cayenne love bringing joy to people, and we’re proud to have them as volunteers for Animal Friends’ Pet-Assisted Therapy program.
Friday, March 8, 2013
What is Best Pitbull Bloodline?
What is the Best Pitbull Bloodline? Today there are a number of exceptional Pitbull Bloodlines being produced. What a number of progressive breeders are working toward, is to maintain the Pitbulls willingness to please, while breeding out the aggression toward other dogs. Leading the way today, are Razors Edge and Gottiline pitbulls. MrPitbull brand pitbulls are quickly becoming recognized as one of the Best Pitbull Bloodline. The best pitbull bloodline is certainly subjective. Some people still like the old school bloodlines that were based heavily on fighting dogs. Today's more responsible breeders are breeding away from that. For this reason many people believe that Razors Edge and Remyline or two of the best pitbull bloodlines today.
Pit Bulls : What's Hype , What's Not !
Doberman pinschers, rottweilers, and German shepherds topped lists of dogs some considered dangerous in the not-too-distant past.
These days, pit bulls often make headlines and it’s rarely good news. If it isn’t about an attack on a child or a shooting by police, it’s a tale of neglect or abuse. The heat of such reports has forged a frightening image of the pit bull as having a hair-trigger temper and a lock-jawed bite.
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Ear Mites in Dogs
There are several types of mites that can live in your dog’s ear, but the most common are otodectes cynotis-tiny, eight-legged parasites that feed on the wax and oils in a dog’s ear canal. An individual mite has a three-week life cycle, and is barely detectable by the naked eye. Causing irritation and inflammation, ear mites can infect the external and internal canal, and lead to more serious skin or ear infections if left untreated. Infection usually produces a characteristic dark...
Read the Ear Mites in Dogs article > >
But pit bull advocates and some experts say the dogs get a bad rap. They say the dogs are not inherently aggressive, but in many cases suffer at the hands of irresponsible owners drawn to the dog's macho image who encourage aggression for fighting and protection.
Indeed, the ASPCA web site gives the breed an endorsement that could fit a golden retriever. It says, “A well-socialized and well-trained pit bull is one of the most delightful, intelligent, and gentle dogs imaginable.”
In general, pit bulls aren’t aggressive with people but are “less tolerant” of other dogs than many other breeds, says Pamela Reid, PhD, vice president of the ASPCA’s Animal Behavior Center in New York. They also have “great tenacity. They put their mind to something, and they do it. That’s what makes them great dogs for sports like weight pulling. They are very strong, athletic animals," Reid says.
Owning a pit bull should not be taken lightly. Some cities and towns have banned the breed. You also may face rising insurance rates or cancellation of your policy, difficulty renting, and the watchful eye of neighbors and passersby.
Origins and Nature
The American Pit Bull Terrier is technically the only true pit bull, although the American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier are often referred to as pit bulls. So are a handful of other breeds and mixed breeds.
Pit bulls were originally used for bull- and bear-baiting, and later were bred to fight dogs in an arena. They had “a fabulous reputation early on and were considered the ideal family pet because they were so good with people,” Reid says.
“Petey” from The Little Rascals was a pit bull. Helen Keller, President Theodore Roosevelt, and Fred Astaire all had the breed as family pets.
But the tide turned in the late 1990s, when pit bulls became popular among people who "weren’t focused on the positive attributes of the breed - they were looking for a strong, scary-looking dog," Reid says.
National Attention
The abuse of pit bulls drew national attention in 2007, when Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty to running a dog-fighting operation. He spent nearly two years in federal prison.
Jim Gorant, a Sports Illustrated senior editor and author of The Lost Dogs, a book that documents Vick’s dogs and their path to redemption, says pit bulls are caught in a self-perpetuating cycle of incrimination and bad ownership.
“Every dog is an individual,” Gorant says. “Pit bulls are just dogs and if they are not raised properly and socialized and treated right, they can have behavior problems. But they aren’t any more problematic than any other breed by nature.”
Thousands of urban trees mauled and destroyed as 'weapon dog' owners train animals for fighting
There are now more pitbull-type dogs in the UK than in 1991, despite them being outlawed. Photograph: Yvonne Hemsey/Getty Images
Thousands of parkland trees across the country are being mauled and destroyed by pitbulls, bull terriers and other "weapon dogs", goaded by their owners to attack trunks, hang from branches and bite off tree bark, experts warn.
Dogs have savaged trees in green spaces from Peckham to Battersea park, Hampstead and Barnet in London, and other cities including Bristol, Manchester and Liverpool.
The attacks strengthen the jaws of fighting dogs, as well as building up their jumping and shoulder strength. The RSPCA received 24 reports of dog fighting in 2004 but that soared to 358 in 2007. According to the RSPCA, there are now more pitbull-type dogs in the UK than in 1991, when they were outlawed by the Dangerous Dogs Act.
"After the government's crackdown on knives, young people are adopting aggressive dogs as a fashion statement or offensive weapon and they are setting them on trees to strengthen their jaws or have them hang off branches," said Greg Foxsmith, an Islington councillor responsible for parks, including one – Laycock Street – where more than 80% of exposed trees have suffered what appears to be dog damage. On one housing estate in Peckham, more than half of its semi-mature trees have been killed by dogs.
A spokesman for Liverpool city council said dog attacks on trees were "widespread".
A Manchester city council source said dogs destroying trees was "a major problem" in the city. In Bristol, there have been more than 20 dog attacks on trees in the past year, with terriers being hung from branches in St George park and dogs attacking the stems of young trees on the Blaise Castle estate.
Few perpetrators are prosecuted. In Barnet, a 22-year-old man was arrested last month on suspicion of criminal damage after £10,000 of dog damage to trees in Oak Hill park. But earlier this year, Paulo Poeire, 27, was fined just £60 after he pleaded guilty to breaching Battersea park's bylaws by inciting his staffordshire bull terrier to bite tree branches.
According to a Barnet councillor, Andrew Harper, it is not just youths but also dog breeders who incite their animals to destroy trees. "Pitbulls are being trained up for fighting and these dogs are being encouraged to hone their aggressive instincts on trees. It is a very stark version of antisocial behaviour which we are trying to deal with," he said.
Many newly planted trees have been completely destroyed, but mature trees can swiftly succumb to fungal diseases once their bark is damaged. London boroughs have lost mature trees worth £10,000 each to dog attacks, according to Oliver Stutter, chair of the London Tree Officers Association. "It is remarkable how it is increasing year on year," he said.
Many councils are shielding tree trunks with wire cages, but the protection is unsightly and expensive.
"It's a problem with the dogs and the people who own them, not the tree," said Andy Tipping, tree officer for Barnet. "You can't wrap them all up in cotton wool and hope no one ever damages them. We need to send a message that if people do it they will get their dogs taken away from them."
Councils are being forced to try inventive ways of protecting trees. According to Stutter, one of the best methods to deter dog attacks is to surround trees with deep mulch. "People with expensive white trainers don't like getting them dirty. We've got to think outside the box, but mostly it is about enforcement and giving park wardens the power to be able to deal with it," he said.
In Liverpool, the council is planning to deploy non-toxic chemicals on tree trunks which are unattractive to dogs. Islington council has made monitoring dog attacks on trees a neighbourhood policing priority and is holding events in parks to help educate young dog owners.
Foxsmith called on the government to reintroduce dog licensing for some breeds. "We should be looking at reintroducing some kind of licence or chipping to get a sense of ownership and responsibility over our problem breeds," he said.
Kit Malthouse, the deputy mayor for policing, said the Metropolitan police had established a unit to tackle the "horrific" problem of weapon dogs. "The practice of using trees in some of our park areas to train these unfortunate animals to become deadly weapons is appalling," he said.

Famous Pit Bulls
Pit Bull breeds have become famous for their roles as soldiers, police dogs, search and rescue dogs, actors, television personalities, seeing eye dogs and celebrity pets. Historically, the bull terrier mixNipper and Petey from the Little Rascals, are the most well known. Lesser known, but still historically notable pit bulls include Helen Keller‘s family dog “Sir Thomas”,[21] Buster Brown‘s dog “Tige”,[22]Horatio Jackson’s dog “Bud”,[23][24] President Theodore Roosevelt‘s Pit Bull terrier “Pete”, “Jack Brutus” who served for Company K, the First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry during the civil war[25] and Sir Walter Scott’s beloved “Wasp”.[26]
Modernly significant pit bulls are: “Weela”, who saved 31 people, 29 dogs, 3 horses and even one cat.[27] ”Popsicle”, a five-month-old puppy originally found nearly dead in a freezer, who grew to become one of the nation’s most important police dogs.[28] Norton, who was placed in the Purina Animal Hall of Fame after he rescued his owner from a severe reaction to a spider bite.[29] ”Titan”, who rescued his owner’s wife, who would have died from an aneurysm and “D-Boy”, who took three bullets to save his family from an intruder with a gun.[30]

American Staffordshire Terrier
The American Staffordshire Terrier was the product of 19th century interbreeding between bulldogs and terriers that produced the “bull-and-terrier dog,” “Half and Half,” and at times “pit dog” or “pit bullterrier,” the last named becoming the “Staffordshire Bull Terrier” in England. The bulldog of that time differed from the modern Bulldog, having a full muzzle and a long, tapering tail. There is some debate whether the White English Terrier, the Black and Tan Terrier, the Fox Terrier or some combination thereof were used. These dogs began to find their way into America as early as 1870 where they became known as Pit Dog, Pit Bull Terrier, later American Bull Terrier, and still later as a Yankee terrier.[19] They were imported primarily, but not exclusively, for pit fighting.[20]
In 1936, they were accepted by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as “Staffordshire Terriers.”[19] Breeders started creating exemplars heavier in weight. Since January 1, 1972, it was renamed to “American Staffordshire Terrier” to make a separate breed from the lighter Staffordshire Bull Terrier of England.[19]

American Pit Bull Terrier
The American Pit Bull Terrier is the product of interbreeding between Old English Terrier and English Bulldogs to produce a dog that combined the gameness of the terrier with the strength and athleticism of the bulldog.[3] These dogs were initially bred in England, and arrived in the United States with the founders. In the U.S., these dogs were used as catch dogs for semi-wild cattle and hogs, to hunt, to drive livestock, and as family companions.[3] Some have been selectively bred for their fighting prowess.[4][5] The United Kennel Club (UKC) was the first registry to recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier, in 1898.[6]
American Pit Bull Terriers successfully fill the role of companion dog, police dog,[7][8] and therapy dog.[9] American Pit Bull Terriers also constitute the majority of dogs used for illegal dog fighting in the United States.[10] In addition, law enforcement organizations report these dogs are used for other nefarious purposes, such as guarding illegal narcotics operations,[11][12] use against the police,[13] and as attack dogs.[14]
The fighting reputation of pit bull-type dogs led the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 1996 to relabel pit bull terriers as "St. Francis Terriers" (not associated with the "terrier" mascot of St. Francis College in New York) so that they might be more readily adopted;[15] 60 temperament-screened dogs were adopted until the program was halted after several of the newly adopted dogs killed cats.[16] The New York City Center for Animal Care and Control tried a similar approach in 2004, by relabeling their pit bull terriers as "New Yorkies", but dropped the idea in the face of overwhelming public opposition

That innocent look
Where do "Blue" Pit bulls come from?
There is a recessive gene in dogs called a dilution gene. If both parents have the dilution gene, and it goes to the puppies, it dilutes (fades) colors. Brown dogs look fawn (red) colored while black dogs look (blue) gray. It is not a defect, just a gene pair that causes it. If your dog did not have a dilution gene, it would be black. Blue is NOT a skin deformity in any type of dog, it is simply a color.
Blue is a recessive color, so the only way to get it is to breed two dogs that are carrying the gene. Since the easiest way to do this is to breed related dogs there is often a problem with health problems also being passed down the line along with the color in many breeds. As for where the "original" blue color came from in any breed of dog, it is a random genetic mutation. These can occur in any species at any time.

How to Care for your Pit Bull
Pit Bull Characteristics
Pit bulls are commonly confident, people-oriented dogs that can develop a strong sense of dependence on their humans. Caring for a pit bull requires an extremely responsible person. Because of their affectionate but dependent natures, it is particularly important to provide balance with Cesar’s fulfillment formula, making sure that they have plenty of exercise and discipline before they receive affection.
Because of their dependence upon humans, pit bulls respond well to positive reinforcement training and praise—they want to impress you by learning new tricks and showing submissive behavior.
Despite popular misconceptions, pit bulls do not make ideal guard dogs because they are so people-oriented. Training pit bulls to be guard dogs can just make them aggressive toward all people, including their own pack.
Pit Bull Health
Pit bulls are generally healthy, living on average 12 to 14 years, with few issues—they can be susceptible to parvovirus as puppies, as well as allergies as adults, and hip dysplasia and hereditary cataracts as seniors. Pit bulls are also energetic, and should get a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes of vigorous exercise per day. As with all dogs, be sure your pit bull has up-to-date vaccinations, as well as annual or semi-annual veterinary check-ups.
Bringing a pit bull into your family does take a lot of dedication and commitment, but the love you will receive in return will be more than worth your time and effort. There’s another benefit as well. Bringing up your pit bull to be calm, submissive and well-behaved will create a canine breed-ambassador—like Daddy and Junior—and help teach the world the truth: There are no bad breeds, just badly raised dogs.
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What is a pit bull type dog?
A pit bull type dog is a combination of dog breeds that includes the American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, American bulldog1 and any other pure bred or mixed breed dog that is a combination of these dogs.
Weight and shape can vary significantly amongst pit bull type dogs, from 35 to 100 plus pounds. (Please see Disguise Breed Name to learn more about the deliberate renaming and
mislabeling of pit bulls throughout history.)
Do pit bulls bite more than other dogs?
Depending upon the community in which you live and the ratio of pit bulls within it, yes and no. But whether a pit bull bites more or less than another dog breed is not the point. The issue is the acute damage a pit bull inflicts when it does choose to bite. The pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style causes severe bone and muscle damage, often inflicting permanent and disfiguring injury. Moreover, once a pit bull starts an attack, firearm intervention may be the only way to stop it.
When analyzing dog bite statistics, it is important to understand what constitutes a bite. A single bite -- recorded and used in dog bite statistics -- is a bite that "breaks the skin." One bite by a poodle that leaves two puncture wounds is recorded the same way as a pit bull mauling, which can constitute hundreds of puncture wounds and extensive soft tissue loss. Despite the "quagmire" of dog bite statistics, pit bulls are leading bite counts across U.S. cities and counties.14

Learn about history of pitbulls
The blood sport of "bull baiting" began over 1,000 years ago in England (various sources dispute this date). What is undisputed is that by 1500, bull baiting had progressed to Britain's national pastime. Bulldogs were reportedly first mentioned by name in 1631, referring to their function rather than a distinct dog breed. By 1800, and through further selective breeding, the bulldog developed into a compact muscular dog characterized by tremendous jaw strength.2
Due to public outrage, bull baiting was banned in England in 1835. Bulldog breeders and owners then moved to the sport of "ratting," where a number of rats were placed into a pit and wagers were made on how many rats the dog could kill in a certain time period. To increase agility, quickness and prey-drive in the bulldog, ratters crossed the breed with terriers. Essentially, it was the sport of ratting that combined the bulldog and terrier into the modern day pit bull terrier.
On the heels of ratting, dogfighting developed. Pit bulls and dogfighting were exported to America as settlers made their way to the New World. In 1884, the American Kennel Club was formed but rejected pit bulls due to their use in dogfighting. In response, Chauncey Z. Bennett formed the United Kennel Club in 1898 to bring formal recognition to the pit bull breed. At that time, Bennett also drew up rules and regulations for dogfighting to bring "organization" to the blood sport.3

Baby, 10-Year-Old Pit Bull, Saves Family And Its Dogs From Fire
A 10-year-old pit bull named Baby rescued a family and its dogs not once, but twice, during a house fire.
On Tuesday, Rhonda Westenberger and her sister, Evelyn, were sleeping when their Wellston, Okla., home of 17 years began filling with smoke and flames, KOCO reports.
Immediately, their pit bull, Baby, began barking and pounced on them until they woke up.
"There were flames shooting down the hallway," Westenberger told KOCO in the video above. "If Baby hadn't woken Evelyn up, I don't think either one of us would have come out of it."
The sisters managed to run out, but five dogs were stuck inside the house. Baby rushed back inside and rescued them.
"There was one hiding underneath the bed," family member Charles Land told KOCO. "Baby actually went in there grabbed it by the neck and drug it outside."
Despite losing everything, the family says the pit bull is keeping them hopeful.
"It brings my spirit up a lot to see the dogs," said Westenberger. "I'm so proud of her. She is my hero. She's the hero for all of us."
American Pit Bull Terrier
(Pitbull) (Pit) (Pit Bull) (Pit Terrier) (Half and Half) (Staffordshire Fighting Dog) (Bull Baiter Dogs) (Old Family Dog - the Irish name) (Yankee Terrier - the Northern name) (Rebel Terrier - the Southern name)
"Pretty Boy Swag aka RedBoy is a prime example of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed. He is 14 months old in this picture and is owned by us here at Five Star Bullies in central Florida. RedBoy has a perfect even temperament. He is a fun-loving dog that loves attention and long walks. He requires about 3 hours of exercise each day to maintain his muscle tone and to keep him happy. Thank you for this opportunity to promote this breed in a positive light. Amber at Five Star Bullies"

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