Sunday, March 10, 2013

Baby, 10-Year-Old Pit Bull, Saves Family And Its Dogs From Fire (VIDEO)

A 10-year-old pit bull named Baby rescued a family and its dogs
 not once, but twice, during a house fire.
On Tuesday, Rhonda Westenberger and her sister, Evelyn, were sleeping when their Wellston, Okla., home of 17 years began filling with smoke and flames, KOCO reports.
Immediately, their pit bull, Baby, began barking and pounced on them until they woke up.
"There were flames shooting down the hallway," Westenberger told KOCO in the video above. "If Baby hadn't woken Evelyn up, I don't think either one of us would have come out of it."
The sisters managed to run out, but five dogs were stuck inside the house. Baby rushed back inside and rescued them.
"There was one hiding underneath the bed," family member Charles Land told KOCO. "Baby actually went in there grabbed it by the neck and drug it outside."
Despite losing everything, the family says the pit bull is keeping them hopeful.
"It brings my spirit up a lot to see the dogs," said Westenberger. "I'm so proud of her. She is my hero. She's the hero for all of us."

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